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Just Another Day

The Passing Parade


The Flirtations of the Lake

It's a cold and rainy late October morning. Most of my fellow summer residents have left after closing up for the season. The wind is gusting 60 clicks from the North East. This means big rollers will be pounding on my newly re-enforced breakwater. I send a silent prayer heaven ward asking that the water not come over the dike again. With a fresh cup of coffee I sit transfixed at the dining room table of our South Beach summer home staring at  beautiful lake Winnipeg. Why does such a beautiful body of water have to be such a Witch at times. Today like something out of Dante's Inferno she is trying to entice her some time beau, the North wind to raise some hell.

As I watch this timeless scene unfold I notice out of the corner of my eye a 20 foot fishing boat leaving the harbour. It looks more like a cork bobbing on a vast sea of water than a boat.  I reach for my powerful binoculars and watch his progress. He proceeds to a buoy that is anchored to a gill net in the bay directly out in front of me. From my vantage point I watch as the rubber skinned clad experienced fisherman deftly manoeuvres his commercial fishing skiff to the buoy. Familiar with the flirtations of the lake he carefully secures the buoy to the bow. Pulling his oilers tighter he assumes his position in the bow. From his now office perch he begins to clear his nets of what ever hapless creatures will end up on someone's dinner table shortly.

The work is repetitive and tedious. The wind and the Lake currents pull at his boat constantly. His arms ache. His concentration on the job at hand is unwavering. As if to let him know he is not alone, a rogue wave will splash his face unexpectedly. He deals with the slight annoyance. The hovering sea gulls shriek as if this a funny scene set up for their amusement. The sometimes difficult work continues. His thoughts are only on the job at hand.

After all to a commercial fisherman this is just another day in paradise.


June 2015


Memories From the Lake © 2024

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