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May Long Weekend

The Passing Parade

Winnipeg Beach Roller Coaster
Winnipeg Beach wooden roller coaster

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We planned to ride every ride and visit every concession.

The year was 1950. The month, May. The winter had been long and the spring wet. Manitoba and Winnipeg were experiencing the worst flood in history due to the lack of planning by all levels of Government. Consequently, Gimli and District were crammed to the rafters with people escaping their flooded homes.

For paper boys it was “Boom Times.” Summer residents had by necessity opened their cottages and they wanted to be kept abreast of the happenings. The Red River continued to spill its banks in all directions. It was nationwide news and it was beginning to look like the legendary Lake Agassiz would be born again.

Of course, to a fourteen-year-old this was news that was happening far away. Our minds were on the upcoming “May Long Weekend”, when the rides and concessions at Winnipeg Beach would open for the season. In the days before television, the attractions at The Beach were greatly anticipated by people of all ages.

My pal, Raymond Solmundson, and I had inherited our paper routes from our older brothers. Raymond delivered the Free Press and I the Tribune - still the best paper I ever read. My paper route covered roughly two miles in winter and it took me about an hour to finish my deliveries. Double that in the summer when I delivered to South Beach. The Free Press was the bigger paper, but my brother Robert and I managed to convince 15 various relatives and friends to take the Trib. So, six evenings a week I would trudge or ride my bike the four blocks to the CPR station located on Centre & Seventh to meet the train which arrived promptly at 7:10 p.m.

The paper cost 25 cents a week. The Trib got 13 cents (remitted weekly) and I got 12 cents. My earnings were $1.80 a week. In addition, all Gimli paper boys had two bags - one for the papers and one to pick up pop and beer bottles. The pop bottles were turned in for a 2-cent refund. The beer bottles did better at 2.5 cents.

Any paper boy worth his salt had to have a bike. A new C.C.M. at Lakesides Trading cost a king’s ransom - the grand sum of $52.50. Out of the money I earned, I first put 50 cents away in a locked bank that my Mother guarded absolutely. “The Bike Fund”. I still had money left over…Harry Greenberg ran three movies a week and I went to three shows a week. The movie started at 8:30 p.m. at a cost of 18 cents and a big Wynola Cola cost 7 cents. I made sure that there was money set aside to use for the concessions and rides at the Beach. This type of money management stayed with me my whole life.

The Saturday of May Long 1950 dawned clear and beautiful. Raymond and I set off early on our bikes for the 10-mile pedal to The Beach. Bike and rider became one as we sped down the gravel road. Two fourteen-year olds on a great adventure, prepared for anything. We had with us tools, tire repair kit and lunch. Thankfully nothing happened and we made the trip in good time, enjoying the spring air as we pedaled.

We parked our bikes at the C.P.R. Station, pre-paying the 25-cent return fare from our saved hoard for the trip back to Gimli. We planned to ride every ride and visit every concession until we dropped or spent all our money. We did both. We went on the bumper cars, the carousel, the airplanes and the roller coaster (our hands down favourite). What a marvelous, care-free time we had. I even won a box of Lowney’s chocolates to bring home to Mother!

At 4:10 we boarded the train with our bikes for the ten-mile ride back to Gimli. We were totally exhausted but armed with yards of stories to regale our friends back in school. We noted the train with its many stops made poorer time then we did. Next year we would bike both ways and save the 25-cent fare.

Our papers were waiting for us when we de-trained. It was raining again and the streets were muddy. I would get wet, but the papers would be dry. As I biked to my first customer I was re-energized! We had had a great time at The Beach. Looking ahead to the end of June, I knew I would be boarding the M.S. Goldfield for a trip to Georges Island. Perhaps more adventures would be encountered there.


Ken Kristjanson

March 2012


Memories From the Lake © 2024

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